
about p.

The content on this page is supplemented as much as possible and
author tries not to take up too much of your time!

About p.

A little bit more info about developing/structuring process of p. .

"Night Story: The Making of MYBEEMO..."

First of all, welcome to the "slightly long description of the MYBEEMO project"! I wish you patience and good mood)
First of all, I want to let you know that this is my personal very first and best project I have ever worked on. As difficult as it was, I worked hard to create this simple miracle.
Expected goal from the project: help you fall asleep in a better mood. This project started about 5 months ago and is still being updated.

I will warn you, the functionality, the structure of the application - written in a very simple method to be better understood, to other developers.
I was specifically looking for, "How to write it in a way that is understandable and easy". And hopefully, I will get what I expected.


I. About/within the project and what stacks/techs?
II. Problems and their solutions.
III. Honest feedbacks.
IV. The end!

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I. About/within the project and what stacks/techs?

Now for more details...
Developers: Me and ChatGTP-3 .
In the beginning I thought about gathering a few programmers and starting a project together. But, there was no time to wait for them, and at the same time, some of them merged. But, there was a great desire to launch this project to people (mostly kids) so that it would somehow help them.
Our meeting with GPT...
The app itself launched on November 30, sources say. But, my first meeting and first access to it was recently. And we'll talk about that inside other items.

Ideas and updates: 5 people helped in the project with additional ideas. In addition, 2 other people participated inner project.

Project design: Lunacy.
The app originally looked different. Contains a very simple interface/design. First of all - pleasant to the eye and no extra buttons, no water. Appears sympathetic to the application from the entrance. It took a long time to find the right content (gif,color,bg,colors,).

Everything I've used with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VS Code, Lunacy, ChatGPT, YouTube, OK, Google, GitHub, DesignTools, DeepL and some others .
I see, that this is a browser application. But, it is not intended for desktop. More precisely, it is a mobile-web app. I know it doesn't fit the rules of the web... but, let it be until the real mobile version of the app comes out)

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II. Problems and their solutions.

What problems have I encountered and how did I solve them?
I'm not going to add to it in any way, I'll tell it like it is. There were a lot of problems, honestly. But, I can't keep them in my head. I'll tell you what I remember.

A recent problem (related to the translation of the context when clicking):
- Tried 2-3 ways to design such a solution .
- And I realized that the fastest and easiest way is to translate the context using functions. You'll ask "Why the fastest?", I'll answer "Functions are first class objects and that's enough of their speed!
- Helped me with the translation of contexts and in writing a bunch of translation codes - ChatGPT (I told him how and what - he did the work of several programmers) .

Problem (related to audio readers):
- There was a problem with the audio readers (fairy tales page). I had to figure out how when I clicked on an individual story, only that story would play and so on with the other stories. Tried 3-4 methods, but nothing suited my requirement. After looking at many solutions on Google and YouTube, the solution did not come. But, as always, as soon as I wanted to give up and do everything differently, I found the answer if I'm not mistaken in Habr. The solution to my problem turned out to be the simplest... I just needed to write a few lines of code for each story and that's it. And I struggled there for weeks🥲.

Problem (related to story optimization):
- There was a problem with the stories (fairy tales page), or rather how to make them better. From the beginning I thought about it for almost a week, but as always, "the idea or solution comes in the night" I was given an answer from the Almighty. And I wrote it in a note so I wouldn't forget it. And for almost a day I worked on it, but it still didn't work out. But just when I was about to give up, the solution worked. The problem had to do with the Classes in JS. The content was inside the Class, but then I made them differently. And the reason had to do with another problem.

Problem (related to video content):
- Thought about where and how to put content with cartoons. At first I added content directly, but I didn't think that the files are big and the page will also take a very long time to load.
And I thought, you can do it with iframe. And went to get ready-made content from YouTube and OK. It's legal there and it takes a little bit of time to load the page. That's how I solved the problem.

..and another addition to my words (mainly, related to mybeemo):
- I had a group and I wrote there everything that came into my head ;
- I wrote solutions and new additions for the application there.
In general, I have several such groups. And all of them are very helpful in my work.
In these things I used closed groups on Telegram. Why telegram specifically?
- Because it's faster than ever!
- It has a nice and pleasant interface (you could use Notion instead, but it's slower).
- And you can customize everything here.

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III. Honest feedbacks.

What have I learned from my project and what feedback can I give you in general?
- I realized that everything is not as easy as it seems in the beginning. But, nothing is unachievable.
- I realized that it is difficult for programmers who lack knowledge of English/Russian languages and difficult if your horizons are small.
- I realized that the work of each developer is very valuable, and nothing can replace their place and respect in the team, no matter what their skills are.
- Your best helpers are Google, YouTube. But now, I can confidently say that it's ChatGPT.
- I realized that it requires a broad horizon and imagination to use ChatGPT. And ChatGPT can confidently be your problem destroyer if you know how to use it correctly.
- I realized that a programmer is not a robot or ChatGPT. Everyone has the right to forget the simplest things, but the main thing is to use the correct solution in the right place.
- My personal application gave me a lot of experience, more than I gained from executing standard applications like many others. I had to be different from other developers in some way.

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IV. The end!

At one point I was thinking why am I doing such a big project (it was in my mind, but really it's different) and why do I share so much time with him, do I need it at all!

But, nevertheless, I didn't give up on this project for three reasons:
1. I really wanted to launch this web application.
2. Whether it works or not, it will give me huge experience in development and in future startups.
3. It was interesting to see how confident I was in my actions and whether I would finish it at all.

As a wise person once said:
" You don't have to be the best, you have to be original. "